
So often people tell their stories after it has all happened, they can now look back and make sense of it all and understand what it was all for. But what about while its happening, what about when things don’t make sense. Can we talk about what it feels like to be in the storm? Can we be real about how much it sucks and how your response to it all is not always graceful or cute? Can we talk about the realities of life and walking with the lord and acknowledge the emotions and experience, rather than dismissing them with motivational speeches and quotes. While also rejoicing in where the Lord has taken us, where he has us right now and all that he has in store for us. Let us also take the time to relish and embrace the adventure that is a relationship with the creator of the universe, God almighty. That is what this blog is about, I want to not only share what my journey of life has consisted of up to this point and share the journey I am now on, but also where he is taking me. Not because I’m special or because I have some great story to tell but in hopes that you can relate and we both might feel a little less alone. I know I’m not the only one looking for people who can at least relate to or hopefully speak to what i’m going through right now or will go through tomorrow.

My name is Alice Washington and I am first and foremost a child of God, a daughter, sister, a friend and an aspiring missionary, hailing from the small town of Albion, Michigan. I am the the sixth of seven kids, which means I learned from other peoples mistakes very early on in life. Did that stop me from making my own?Of course not, but what my mistakes and experiences have taught me is that the choices and mistakes I have made are unique to me and the qualities and characteristics God has made me with. So I have learned to appreciate them for what they have revealed about me and who God is. I graduated high school in 2010, did a year of college like most everyone else I knew, because thats what your supposed to do right? Dropped out after that first year, moved back home and struggled to figure out where to go from there. Well I ended up in Arizona a year after that and spent 4 years out there before I joined the navy…because when in doubt join the military. When that came to a tragic yet necessary end I stayed where I was and since then have still been trying to figure out “where do I go from here.”

On this site you will find blog posts relating to my ministry journey and aspirations, you will also find journal and lifestyle posts in addition to information and access to my Mary Kay business, as I am not only a blogger but a Mary Kay consultant. I currently also work part time for my church as a Young Adults ministry assistant and I am in the process of starting a ministry house. More of these details will be shared in future blog post, should you choose to stick around. I hope and pray that you find where you and I relate, but more importantly the one who has made this life worth it for me.

Grace and Peace

Alice Washington